Three Treasures - in Jesus' teachings
Two thousand years of theology and philosophy have filled libraries with books about God, the meaning of life and just about everything else.
But what did Jesus teach the crowds that gathered to listen to his words in the fields and by the shores of the Sea of Galilee? He said nothing about churches, reverends, pews or pulpits. Jesus' teachings are about the birds of the air, the flowers of the field, about hope for tomorrow, love for today and living a life worth living; about a loving Presence that is always seeking to shine within us. |
The 'Three Treasures' are three evenings -
three evening gatherings at Colvend Manse three simple talks about Jesus' teachings three opportunities to listen to his life giving words to share and ask together |
The Three meetings in August are now full but please let us know if you would like to hear about more meetings later in the year. Please contact me on 01556 630 255 or for more information |