The Hidden Treasure - Jesus' Secrets of the Kingdom
"The knowledge about the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you..." Matthew 13 : 11
Central to Jesus' teachings is the Kingdom of God - God's Presence in the world and within those who seek him. Jesus taught about the Kingdom through his parables and revealed the Kingdom through himself and his deeds.
Our Saturday morning gathering is time to listen to Jesus' teachings and promises about the Kingdom through his parables.
There will be a buffet lunch afterwards for anyone who wishes to join us.
The Hidden Treasure
Canonbie Church
Saturday 9th September 2017 10.00 - 12 noon
to book places please contact James through or 01556 630 255
10.00 coffee and welcome 10.20 'The Hidden Treasure' 10.30 small group sharing 12.00 plenary session 12.30 buffet lunch (optional)