Session Minutes 1715
Every congregation in Scotland was run by a Kirk Session - a group of church members who met with the minister to look after the affairs of the parish. In an era where there were no police, no health services and no social support other than that provided by the church they played an important social function. A primary concern was the welfare of children born outside of marriage but other social matters such as theft, drunkeness and violence were also dealt with.
The 1715 Session minutes for Colvend give a glimpse into the issues that caused concern and disruption in the local community at a time a great uncertainty in the country.
With regard to children born out of wedlock : the concern of the elders was that the father of the child take full responsibility for its nurture and upkeep thus preventing mother and child from falling into abject poverty which did happen if there was no one to support them.
With regard to sabbath observance : most families worked on farms at hours determined by the farmer - this could mean from dawn till dusk. The sabbath, Sunday, was the only day farm workers and their children were sure to rest and relax.
The Session Book Of The Parishes of Colvend & Southwick
Which begins April 24 1715
Colvend Kirk Aprile 24 1715
The which day these following persons met in Session viz Mr John Watson Minister John Smith in Auchenscioch Mill, James Mckelrein in the gleib of Southwick, James Wilson in Nether Clifton, James Carson in upper Clifton, Hugh Mckie in haugh Croft and Edward Mckie in the whitehill elders.
And after prayer taking into consideration that there were many things out of order in both the parishes of Colvend and Southwick and not having the time to descend into particulars, ? therefore appointed a meeting to be kept among themselves for this effect, at Southwick manse upon the 26 day of the sd month
Southwick Manse April 26 1715
The which day after prayer were present Mr John Watson Minister John Smith, James Mckelrein, James Wilson, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies Elders
When the minister called for the Session book & records and was told that there was never any Session book among ym but only some few minutes that are in James Coultarts (?) hands, who was late Clerk. The Session did appoint James Wilson to get them up from the said Coultart.
The Session likewise considering that the churches foresd had been long vacant without a fixed gospel Minr since the death of the late Reverend worthy Mr John Martine, and that there were many scandals committed in the two parishes not only during the vacancie but some prior to his death not yet purged and that
because of the late (?) Mr Martines long indisposition before his death and the distance being so great from Dumfries, the presbyterie could not get them overtaken Therefore the Session in order to the removing of these scandals thought fit mutuallie to assist one another in taking up a list of the persons that are lyable to Church censure which is as follows viz George Cairns of Kipp who is guilty of fornication with Margaret Mclduff afterward guilty also with Jean Robson (?) both being servants to him John Lermont & Margaret Mckelduff guilty of fornication it being a relaps in the sd Margaret John Rabson & Janet Newal guilty of fornication John Rerrick & Agnes Murray guilty of fornication John Mcmichen & Anna Murray guilty of fornication Mary Loudon has a child and gives one John Williamson who is now abroad up as the father of it Margaret Lindsay guilty of fornication in England
And these following persons all guilty of antenupital fornication viz John Finlay wt Susanna Murray William Aitken wt Sarah Lindsay, William Bell wt Agnes Ewart, Joseph Lindsay wt Agnes Carlyle,
John Mcclune wt Margaret Herries both guilty of a relaps in Antinupital fornication
The which list is to be laid before the Presbyterie that they may do with them as they think fit.
The Session delays their meeting again for some weeks because the Minr is obliged to be absent for some time
John Lermont & Margaret Mckelduff had a daughter Agnes 27 November 1715 Barscraich
married in 1715 John Lermont of greenhill (?) Mart Mckelduff of Barscraich
William Aitken & Sarah Lindsay had children
Mary 29 Jan 1718 Ryes; Susanna 24 Apr 1722 Rays; William 3 Oct 1715 Goukthorn
William Bell & Agnes Ewart had a son
John Oct 20 1717 Bairns
Joseph Lindsay & Agnes Carlyle had a daughter
Mary Aug 13 1716 Clifton
John Mcclune & Margaret Herries had children
John 21 May 1721 John Barnhurie; Mary 19 Oct 1716 Clonyard; Sarah 25 Jan 1719 Jockleg
Colvend June 19 1715
After prayer sate persons in the former meeting and they considering the inconveniency of not having ane office to ring the church bell, cite scandalous persons & do every thing incumbent upon one in this station
Therefore they did unanimously make choise of Andrew Thomson to be their officer and because the money arising to one in tht office, in this place, is so inconsiderable the Session does hereby allow him ? what he receives for making of the graves, the money that is got for proclaiming of persons in order to marriage, and likewise the money for baptisms all except two shilling scots to be given to a clerk for putting the childrens names into a Register, and he is to remain in the posSession of these emoluments, & in this office, only during the Sessions pleasure.
Colvend June 26 1715
After prayer Sederunt as above
James Mckelrien is appointed as Elder to go from this Session to the next meeting of the Presbyterie
The officer is appointed to cite these persons guilty of scandal to the next meeting of the Session
Colvend July 3d 1715
After prayer present as formerly
The following persons cited to this meeting were called upon viz John Mcclune & Mart Herries but neither of them appeared
John Lermont And Mart Mclduff, John was not present but the sd Margaret appeared, & confesses that she was guilty of fornication wt the sd John
Margaret Lindsay appeared & confessed her self guilty of fornication in England
John Robson & Janet Newal compeared & confessed themselves guilty of fornication
John Rerrick & Agnes Murray compeared and confessed fornication
John ? Appeared and confessed guilt wt his wife before marriage
William Aitken confessed guilt wt his wife before marriage
William Bell & Agnes Ewart confessed antinupital fornication
All which were cited apud acta to appear before the Session next Lords day at the place of the mains where sermon is to be that day
Mains July 10 1715
After prayer were present Mr John Watson Minister John Smith, James Mcklrein James Wilson, James Carson, Edward Mckie elders
John Mcclune & Mart Heries being called He was only present and confessed that he was guilty of a relaps in Antinupital fornication and was married by Mr Clannie John Lermont was called and confessed himself guilty of fornication with Margaret Mckelduff and promised to appear again when called by any citation. Mary Louden was called who confessed & said that John Williamson was the father of her child & that it ws begot in the Chalkerbush kitchen in day light doors and windows being open. William Aitken William Bell & John Lindsay with their three wives were appointed to make their appearance before the congregation next Lords day to satisfy for their sin of antinupital fornication.
Colvend July 17 1715
After prayer sat (?) Mr John Watson Minr, James Mckelrein, James Wilson, James Carson, Hugh & Edward Mckie Elders
William Aitken, William Bell & John Finlay with their wives appeared before the congregation and received a rebuke who all were absolved from any further appearance The officer was appointed to cite John Mcclune & Mary Herries, Jo Lermont & Mart Mclduff, John Rabson & Janet Newal And Mart Lindsay ? the next Session
Colvend July 24 1715
After prayer were present Mr John Watson Minr
John Smith, James Mckelrein Hugh and Edward Mckie elders
The which day compeared John Mcclune & his wife
And likewise Margaret Lindsay as also John Lermont Margaret Mckelduff
And John Robson Janet Newal, who were all told of their guilt & admonished, And were judicially appointed to appear next Lord’s day before the Congregation The officer to the Session having represented that several person did not pay him his dues
The Session therefore do appoint and ordain that no person be proclaimed above two times, until they pay the officer the same.
Colvend July 31 1715 :
After prayer were present Mr John Watson Minr, James Wilson, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies Elders
The which day upon several reasons it was enacted that all persons having a design to marrie shall not be proclaimed above once or twice at most till they lay in their pawns (which are to be two Crowns) to the Kirk Thesaurers hands
All the persons mentioned in the preceeding meeting except John Lermont & Margaret Mckelduff compeared before the Congregation and received a rebuke. And the Session thot fit not to take any notice of the absent persons till the guilty persons had finished their appearances.
It being represented that there was ane infirmly carriage betwixt John Murray Younger of Drumstinchall & Marion Wilson in the house of barcloy the Session appointed James Carson to search into the matter report his diligence to the Session
John Mcclune desired that his child might be baptised
It was offered (?), that the Scandals he is guilty of, & has judicially confessed, might first be removed : Or otherwise to procure a sponsor who might present his child. He told the Session in ane insulting way that it should never be baptised if he did not hold it up himself; and further added that he would take the course that others in his circumstances had done, meaning that he wold go to Mr Clannie
Note : Hugh Clannie was the minister at Kirkbean. He later joined the Levellers. The suggestion is that he was willing to baptize children other minister's had declined to.
The Session ordered him to get his testimonial from the parish of Orr where his first guilt had been committed & where he owned he had only stood two Lords days, otherwise we could not absolve him from his last scandal.
Col: August 6th 1715
After prayer were present Mr John Watson Minister, John Smith, James Mckelrein, James Wilson, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies Elders
The which day John Rabson Janet Newal Margaret Lindsay made their second publick appearance but John Mcclune and gis wife did not compear, therefore it was agreed that the Minister and James Mckelrein should go to mains get the extract of their irregular marriage, that they may be obliged to submit to order It was delated to the Session that Margaret Mckelduff was with child, therefore the Beddle was appointed to cite her to the Session against the next Lords day.
Colvend Aug 14 1715
After prayer were present Mr John Watson Minister, James Mckelrein, James Wilson, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies Elders
The which day Margaret Mckelduff was called but appeared not, therefore Andrew Thomason was appointed to summon her for the second time.
It was agreed that Mr Watson, James Mckelrein & James Wilson should go to Hugh Mckies & and there count the poors money, that something might be distribute to the poor of the parish
Colvend Aug 21 1715
After prayer were present Mr John Watson Minister, James Mckelrein, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies Elders
The report was made that the Minister, James Mckelrein, wt Hugh Mckie had inspected the poors money and found that it only amounted to six pouns one shilling Scots. And it was told the Session that all that had been formerly received was distributed to the poor
It was appointed that in all times coming there be a register kept of what money is received for the poor, & also how it is distributed
John Rabson & Janet Newal wt Margaret Lindsay made their third appearance publicly were rebuked & exhorted to be more watchfull in all times coming,& were absolved from their appearance Margaret Mckelduff was called but appeared not The Session is now adjourned for some time because the Minister upon a necessary occasion is obliged to go out of the Country
Colvend October 2nd 1715
After prayer were present Mr Watson Minr, James Mcklein, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies
Edward Mackie was appointed to go as Elder with the Minr to the nixt Synod which is to sit at Dumfries
The officer was again appointed to cite John Mcclune to the Session agst (?) the nixt Lords day
Margaret Mckelduff was appointed to be cited to the Presbyterie agst (?) their nixt meeting she being contumacious to the Session
It’s appointed that John Rerrick & Agnes Murray be cited to the nixt meeting, as also Mary Louden, John Mcmichan & Anna Murray.
Colvend Octob: 9th 1715
After prayer were present Mr Watson Minr, James Mcklein, James Wilson, James Carson, Hugh and Edward Mckies Elders
John Mcmichan appeared before the Session and after admonition both he & Anna Murray were appointed to appear before the congregation for their Antinupital fornication nixt Lords day
John Rerrick and Agnes Murray were appointed to appear before the Congregation the said day or if (?) sermon first be in the Kirk.
John Mcclune & Mary Loudon being called appeared not
Colvend 23 Octbr 1715
After prayer sederunt ut supra
John Mcmichan, Anna Murray & John Kerrick appeared before the congregation this day, were rebuked, ordered to continue their appearances, but Agnes Murray did not appear
Colvend Novr : 6 : 1715
After prayer were present the Minister, James Mckelrein, James Wilson, James Carson, & Edward Mckie Elders
The which day John Rerrick & Agnes Murray made their publick appearance he for the second & she for the first time
John Mcmichan made his second appearance this day also and was absolved from any further appearance being that now he is married unto ye forsd Anna Murray wt whom he had been guilty
Colvend 13 Novr 1715
After prayer were present the Minister, Jam Mcklrein, Hugh & Edward Mckies Elders
The sd day John Rerrick made his third appearance before the congregation was rebuked and absolved from appearing any further. Agnes Murray appeared the second time in publick & was rebuked, and appointed to go on in giving testimony of her concern for her sin.
Colvend 20 Novr 1715
After prayer sate the minister, James Carson, Hugh & Edw Mckies Elders
The sd day Agnes Murray appeared before ye congregation for ye third & last diet, was rebuked & admonished
The officer is appointed to cite Mary Louden & Jean Robson to ye next Session
Edward Mckie is desired to tell Kipp to wait upon the Session at ye next meeting.
Colvend Nov 27 1715
After prayer were present the Minister, John Smith, James Mckelrein, James Wilson, James Carson, & Ed. Mckie Elders
George Cairns of Kip & Jean Robson appeared and judiciallie confessed ye guilt of fornication, and Kip was appointed to appear in publick next Lords day after his sin had been particularly charged home upon him by the Minr before ye Session
Jean Robson was appointed to wait upon the Session next day
Mary Louden sent ane excuse yt her child being ill she could not wait on this day but promised to do it the nixt.
Colvend Decr 4th 1715
After prayer were present the Minister, James Mckelrein, James Carson, Hugh & Ed. Mckies Elders
George Cairns appeared before the congregation this day and received his first rebuke& ordered to continue so as he might satisfie the Lords people yt he is sincere in repentance for his sin
Mary Louden also appeared & was rebuked & appointed to begin her appearance nixt Lords day before the congregation
Colvend Decr 11 1715
After prayer were present the Minister, James Mckelrein, James Carson, & Hugh. Mckie Elders
Mary Louden made her first appearance this day before the congregation and was rebuked.
Marion Sturgion is appointed to be cited against the next day for alledged fornication
Jean Robson is to make her first appearance before the congregation nixt day
After search into ye report anent John Murray younger of Drumstinchel his unseemly behaviour it was found yt nothing could be proven & therefore let drop
Colvend Decr 18 1715
After prayer were present The Minister, Jo Smith, James Mckelrein James Carson Hugh & Ed Mckies
Mary Louden made her second appearance the sd day & was rebuked & ordered to appear nixt day
Jean Robson made her first appearance before the congregation and was told of the offensive concomitants of her sin
George Cairns of Kip is appointed to appear publicly nixt day
It being represented that several children who live near the sea, do profane the Sabbath day by taking fish yron it was agreed for this first time that the Minister should converse with the parents of such children, wt the boys themselves and reprove and exhort them privately; and particularly admonish parents and Masters of familys to take care the Lords day be rightly observed by all under yr charge.
Colvend Decr 25 1715
After prayer were present the Minister Jam Carson, Hugh and Edw Mckies Elders
The which day Mary Lowdon made her third appearance before the congregation was rebuked admonished and freed from any further appearance
Geo Cairns of Kip appeared publicly for yr second time Jean Robson appeared likewise second time & both reported and ordered to continue in yr appearances & to be sincere yrin